For years, I’ve heard “just make your own hummus!” But it seemed so much easier just to buy local hummus — being Sonoma County, having at least three local hummus options to choose from is as normal as owning Birkenstocks. So why make fresh? Here’s why — holy amazingness!!! And I’m guessing you have the ingredients in your kitchen. Right Now.
Take your Cuisinart. Plug it in. Take a handful or two of Spinach (about 1.5-2 cups). Take 1 can of chickpeas — open, rinse and drain well. Add to Cuisinart. I pulsed here for space. Then add 2 tablespoons of toasted sesame seeds (I self toasted. It takes about a minute). Drizzle 4-6 tablespoons of good quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil over the top, three cloves of garlic, half of one lemon worth of juice, pinch of salt and Chop Chop Chop.
Voilá. Magnificent!!!! We dipped roasted asparagus, carrots and sweet potato “fries” in it ourselves. Last night, foodie friend Kelly Dolata made up a quick batch from my Facebook post and served it with steak. @Oldchefguy on Instagram is making his his arugula tomorrow. I bet those are both delicious too! The possibilities are endless.
Happy Eating! And this? I happily ate with a spoon!
Oh yum! I’ll be making these for sure this week as I have a lot of chickpeas to use. The vegetable options for dipping sounds wonderful too! Thank you for sharing and cheers from Bangkok!.
How fantastic! Do share a picture or tell me how it goes? And I love anything Thai. If you have any Thai twists, tell me? Would love to try new things myself. How wonderful to be in Bangkok. I loved my time there. Only a few weeks coming in and out from India but I truly loved it. When my littles are older, we want to bring them. Thank you for commenting! I just love talking with fellow foodies. XO