When to Drink Your Best Wine

There are probably sexier things to mull over on a breezy Saturday afternoon but… Leftovers get a bad rap.  They do.  Some dishes actually improve with time in the fridge or reheated on the stove.  The spices intensify or the flavors muddle together more subtly.  And a great time to drink those amazing bottles of wine you keep cellaring? Is with leftovers.  Or with a “kitchen sink” dinner — i.e. where you make a great salad of whatever is left in your vegetable bin and grill a simple burger patty because you’re out of cheese and buns.  And mustard.

Last night, we had friends over to grill lamb burgers.  Nothing special.  Just a week night with friends who work as hard making a life in wine as we do.  We each brought out some of our best wines to share and I made a hodge-podge salad with a little arugula, some leftover baby kale, older tomatoes nobody noticed had started to whither and half an avocado left from yesterday’s lunch.  And it was killer.  The lamb was delicious (Dean is a master griller) and the salad was good…but it was the GREAT bottles of wine that made our meal of mostly leftovers taste fantastic.

We had our Big Pink open from a tasting and our 2009 Annadel Estate “Anni’s Blend” (below).  We also enjoyed a bottle of Idle Cellar’s new Syrah (thanks Ben!)  Vallerie brought yummy cherries from down the road.

The right time to drink that great bottle of wine? Is now
The right time to drink that great bottle of wine? Is now

So the next time you decide to pass over that great bottle of wine because your meal isn’t 100% perfect or thought out or celebrating something rather… Remember that here in Wine Country, the best time to drink your best bottles? Is tonight.  Or Tuesday night.  Or Wednesday.  Whenever is an average day with a decent meal of leftovers.  Because really, what more are you waiting for?

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